email 23 June 2015
Golly gee. This week has been sooo much fun! But first the announcement on transfers is (drumroll)............WE ARE BOTH STAYING!!!!! I'm soooo excited! Finally I have a companion other than Sister Hadden for longer than a transfer!!! Also I adore Sister Magsayo. She cracks me up daily. Sister Betzold is training for her last 2 transfers. She's super excited and I know she'll do great!
Another funny moment. We were in church on Sunday and this little girl came up to us and pointing at herself said, "I have vanilla ice cream skin," and pointing at Sister Magsayo, "You have chocolate ice cream skin," and pointing at me, "You're cookies and cream." I was really confused. Because I'm unmistakably white. Hahaha. But then she pointed at all my cookies (freckles). I love the minds of little children. Haha.
This past week we had 3 testimony meetings for the mission to go to as the mission is getting ready to split next week. (One meeting for the northern half, then one for the southern half, then one for all of the departing missionaries.) The whole mission presidency shared their testimonies and it was so amazing. It

We received a book called, "A Heart Like His". It's a book about these women's experience with trying to have a heart more like Jesus Christ. They conducted an experiment where they are always thinking of the condition of their heart. Whether it's warm, open, and forward. Or if it's cold, shriveled, and hidden away. And as they do that, try to take opportunities to open up our hearts. It's not supposed to take any more time than needed. So no deliveries of gifts. No extra visits to people. But opportunities that come up in your regular day. We were challenged to try it as well.
I had a really special experience with this on Sunday. After the departing testimony meeting, everyone was mingling. And I saw a sister that I knew who was still in the mission...but I was exhausted, I just went to sit behind the piano. But then I had a thought pop into my mind saying, "Where is your heart?" I knew where it was. It was cold and shriveled and hidden away. I felt guilty. But I knew that was an opportunity to open my heart. So I got up and went to go talk to this sister. It turns out she actually had to go home a couple of weeks earlier for anxiety and I had no idea. She was having a really hard time being home. It was a really humbling experience. Because it's so much easier to be selfish and to keep to myself. But I know she needed to talk to someone about the struggles she was having. And I'm grateful Heavenly Father gave me the opportunity to practice opening up my heart just a little bit wider. It's hard to notice and take these opportunities! But I know it blesses our lives and the lives around us as we take them. As we take a little step to become more like our Savior.
Lastly, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! There's a quote that says, "It should have great meaning that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that could be given him, God himself, he who is the highest of all, chose to be addressed simply as Father." That alone tells us how sacred of a calling being a father is. I'm grateful for my earthly father and my Heavenly Father. And I'm grateful for all that they both provide for me. Happy Father's Day!
Sister Sarlls
We had a contest for the Best Companionship Unity video and we won with this one!!!!!!
Our other video also won an award.
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