email 09 June 2015

I received a priesthood blessing this week from President Bailey and it was amazing. It was very needed. I just want to say how grateful I am for the Priesthood in my life.
This past week we had a wonderful training about giving our all to Heavenly Father. They mentioned how Heavenly Father has everything. He owns it all. The only thing He doesn't own is our heart and our mind...unless we give it to Him. That was a really interesting concept for me to think about. It really hard to give those to Him. But that's the ultimate test of this life! I'm determined to more fully give Him my heart and my mind for the rest of my life. The reason why missionaries are so happy and why everyone loves their mission is because we're so close to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! I want this feeling for the rest of my life.
azy with knocking over chairs. It's odd to think about but that was the atonement!!! That was me changing to become more like Jesus Christ. There's always ways that people change to become less like Jesus Christ, though. But I still think, in a way, that's using the atonement. Because we all have our weaknesses. But we need those weaknesses to become strong. To become more like Jesus Christ. There are so many things I have to improve on. We all have our faults. But as we understand more of our worth, then it becomes easier.

We're still working on finding more people to teach. No takers at the moment. But there will be!!! Because we're doing everything we need to be. And that's all we can do. That's all He asks of us! So blessings are on their way.
Love you lots!
Sister Sarlls
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