email 28 Oct 2014
This week we went to a zone training and it was awesome. I got a lot of answers to a lot of prayers. But then afterwards, they told us we had to get a flu shot before we left......I was the last one to go and I sat there for like 10 minutes freaking out and crying and laughing from being nervous. Finally they convinced me to just get it over with so I closed my eyes and the lady puts the shot in and goes "oh my! That's never happened before!" WHAT?! So I start freaking out and apparently the needle was bent so they had to twist it out and then give me another one. Just my luck! I'm sure I looked crazy. But I made it out alive with only a little bruise!
So sister Hadden and I have been praying very specifically for all of our people which makes out for a very long prayer, but also very powerful. And the miracle that came from those prayers, it that 4 investigators came to church on Sunday:) yay!!! We haven't been able to have anyone come to church! The power of prayer is amazing.
A sister in our zone told us we should make a folk band called the wagons. Haha so we've been trying to find someone who plays the banjo. We're still on the hunt!
We're planning on doing reverse trick-or-treating where we hold up a door for them to knock on and hand them a piece of candy that says "ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you..." Haha I think it'll be fun! It's supposed to snow by Halloween. I finally got some boots!
We still don't have very many updates on investigators. We're trying to get creative with our finding. So we're joining this yoga class and we're having a "meet the missionaries" fireside where you can ask us anything. So it'll be fun. :)
Remember to pray for missionary opportunities! Heavenly Father will give you the courage to open your mouth when the time comes!
- Sister Sarlls
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