Email 07 October 2014
Good day!I hardly remember this past week. It went by super fast! Only one person, Eden, accepted our tickets to general conference so she went with her grandma, who is a member. I'm so glad she got to go! Everyone else said no and gave us an excuse. Especially since every single talk we looked at each other and said "I WISH SO-AND-SO WAS HEARING THIS!!!" So it's a little disappointing when the thing that can clear up all their concerns and doubts is going on...and they don't watch it. So we'll just have to watch it with them!
We got a special showing of Meet the Mormons. It's seriously so good. I was crying through the whole thing. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE IT. and take people to see it! It just shows that you can be yourself and be Mormon. And you can have a different lifestyle but still live the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's awesome. And I met some of the people on the movie! So we literally met the Mormons. Sooo yeah.
So we have some people (Sherry) who live in the canyon but it's super far so we only really go down there when we have an appointment. But our dinner was down there so afterwards we were driving home and we decided to drop by to see how Sherry was doing. We passed her house and had to turn around and when we got there, she was JUST getting out of her car and she was crying. So we went inside and talked to her. So much crazy stuff is happening in her life but we shared with her my favorite scripture, D&C 121:7-9. And she started crying even more. If we hadn't had to turn around to go back to her house, we would've missed the opportunity to comfort those who stand in need to comfort. And it was a testimony builder to us and to Sherry that Heavenly Father knows each of us and he puts people in our path for a reason. I'm so grateful that I'm able to be a part of all of these people's amazing spiritual journeys in knowing for themselves that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true and restored gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today.
We got 2 new investigators. Grant is 12 and he's just the cutest thing. He has already decided he wants to be baptized so we just need to prepare him! Haha Sylvia is probably in her 40-50's. She is meeting with us because she felt bad for us hahaha (I don't know why) but that's what she said. She's still awesome and loves the lessons though. I see her testimony and faith growing already!
Transfers are in a week and Sister Hadden and I are PRAYING we don't get transferred out! We love Huntsville and want to spend our whole missions here haha
I ate some elk jerky...It's super good! We ate it in like 1 night. Whoopsies.
I love you all and pray for you all! We have a place called Wolf Creek but everyone in Utah says Wolf Crick hahaha it cracks me up. It's like an old hick man. Anyways, that's the big stuff from this week.
Love you!
Sister Sarlls
D&C 121:7-9
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; 8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.
9 Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.
9 Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.
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