email 07 July 2015
Hello family and friends! I'm starting my email early today so I can send it on time!
So on Fourth of July, guess what we did? That's right! We were in yet ANOTHER parade! This one was pretty fun because we were with all the family members of missionaries serving from the stake and we all got to carry a flag representing our state/country. They didn't have Texas so they gave me Chile. Besides, it almost looks the same. hahaha. After that we went to go do service and we sold tickets for one of the community Fourth of July parties. We hung out and played some games with some other missionaries and then we had to be in our house by 8:30. We were planning on watching fireworks from our balcony but it turned out our trees were in the way. So no fireworks this year but it's okay! It was still a very memorable Fourth of July on my mission:)
We've been asked a lot lately what some miracles are that we've found in our days or weeks. It's actually been kind of hard. A lot of times we think of miracles as something huge. Like someone calling us on the phone begging to be baptized. But as we've been looking for these miracles, I've been able to realize them throughout the day. Little reminders that Heavenly Father cares about me. Even the little things. This past week we met a lady who is a catholic and she introduced us to the magic of DoTerra. She gave me lavender to put on the bottom of my feet before I go to bed and GUESS WHAT. I've slept so good since I've been doing that! Another is I was craving pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Kind of weird because they aren't in season at all. But I love pumpkin at any time. We went to dinner and guess what they had?! PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!!!!! It was amazing! Then we went out knocking doors and no one was interested but the three doors we knocked we had a really good contact with them. We were able to share our testimonies. We were able to teach them. We were able to invite them to act on what we have taught. And we were able to say a prayer with them all. Even though it didn't result in anyone wanting to meet with us, we were able to help these people feel the spirit and it was a miracle for us that we had some good door contacts. It really was a miracle.
I'm still loving my mission! Every second of it!
Love, Sister Sarlls
[video gift to Sister Sarlls' baby niece, Madelyn! - Ed]
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