email 17 March 2015
Hello one and all!
This week was swell! We had a blitz in our area. So we had about 8 companionships go around visiting people in our area. We had some miracles happen and I'm so grateful for the amazing missionaries that helped us out!
We've been showing the "Because of Him" video that came out last year for Easter. Of course every time I watch it something new stands out. The part that stood out to me this last time was that Jesus Christ didn't have to suffer for us. All that was required for Him for our salvation was to atone for our sins so we would be able to repent. Him suffering for all of our pains and afflictions in the Garden of Gethsemane was purely out of His love for us. Because He loved us so much that he wanted to know exactly what each of us individually felt. And Heavenly Father could have revealed to Him through revelation how we felt. But He chose to actually go through the pain. How amazing is His love for us!
So in the past 3 days I've run out of all of my asthma and allergy pills. We're in the middle of teaching a lesson and I start SNEEZING MY HEAD OFF!!! Along with I can't breathe and then I start laughing so I can't breathe even more and it's just a huge hot mess. hahaha. It turned out okay but it was funny while it happened. Spring is here and I LOVE IT, but my nose doesn't. :)
We were planning on singing in Sacrament Meeting and we get there and they completely forgot about it! It was kinda a bummer. BUT THEN we see these people and Sister Wharton just starts bawling. They were a couple she knew from her home ward that helped and supported her coming on her mission. I know it was such a tender mercy for her to see them! I know that Heavenly Father needed us to be in that ward at that time so she could see her friends. Heavenly Father is so aware of every detail of our lives and of ourselves. It's amazing how much how cares about us to send us the little moments of bliss!

I want you to all to know how much I love my mission. I wouldn't be doing anything else. Yesterday we had a training where an Elder just about to go home told us to make every morning a spiritual experience putting on our tag. I did that this morning and started crying. I never want to take this tag off. It's not forever I'll be able to be Sister Sarlls. And it's not forever I'll be able to be a full-time representative of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I love being a missionary so much. It's the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life. And the most amazing thing I've done for my life. I can't explain the happiness it brings me. I can't use words to describe what I feel in my heart for my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the people in Ogden, and now myself. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world.
Love ya,
Sister Sarlls
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