email 10 Feb 2015
Dearest Family and Friends,
SO MANY miracles have happened this week.

So we were going around this neighborhood and found this old man outside golfing. We talked to him for a little bit and he was WEIRD. He had fish skeletons lining his whole house. freaky stuff. He told us to go talk to his friend in the ward about his story. SOOO then we went to go find the friend. It ended up being the wrong house so we just shared a message and asked for referrals. She told us to go talk to her neighbors. So we did! HERE'S WHERE THE MIRACLE HAPPENS! This 13 year old boy opens the door and he's suuuuuper nerdy and awkward. haha His name is Zack. His mom comes to the door and says "Thank you for coming! I've been trying to get this boy to church!" We say, "Oh, are you members of the church?" She goes on to say, "No I'm atheist. But I want him to go to church! The kids in the LDS church are so nice and he needs to go!" We talked with them a little bit more and we invited him to take the lessons from us and he said he would love to!!!!!!! AHHHHH! AND his mom is perfectly okay with it!!! So we asked him who he was friends with that could give him a ride to church the next day. So we walk on over to his friends house to ask him about Zack. When we get there he says, "Oh yeah! Zack just called me to ask if he could get a ride to church!" WHAT?! A 13 year old called his OWN ride to church?! So we sit with him at church the next day FOR ALL 3 HOURS!!! And he LOVED IT! And he wants to go every week! There was a bishops fireside that night and he was begging us to go with him. So we went to that with him and afterwards we talked to him more about what we'll be teaching him. AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?! He wants to be baptized on March 7th!!!!! We haven't even taught him a full lesson yet and He's SO excited!!! You have no idea how amazing this is!!! I know it was because we showed our faith and acted by fasting and praying! Heavenly Father has such a perfect plan. He knew that this was the time that we needed someone to teach. And he knew that this was the time that Zack needed to be taught.
In Sunday School they were teaching a lesson and they said something that really stayed with me. They said when we start messing up in life or our spirituality starts slipping, it's because of one of two things that are polar opposites. It's either because it's too hard and we feel overwhelmed with everything we have to do, or it's too easy and we feel too casual about it. This is too true. Life is about finding that happy medium! We need to work hard to have that relationship with God and to keep our testimonies but we can't be too stressed out to enjoy all the blessings that come from it! I love it! It's crazy hard to do. But I know for a fact that if we keep Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as our priority in life, everything else will fall in place. I can PROMISE that miracles will happen in every aspect of our life if we do this! I've seen it in my own life. Especially on my mission! I love you and I love this gospel!
Lots of Valentine's Day Love,
Sister Sarlls
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