HAPPY 9 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!!! So Sister Hadden and I went on exchanges (when we trade companions for a day). Usually I stay in Huntsville and she goes to the other area. But this time I got to visit someone else's area! We were going around doing visits and we needed a potty break so we dropped by this family's house to use their restroom. While we were there, they told us about this contest that they were doing. There's a porch decoration going around within a few families in the neighborhood and you try and steal it off of the other family's porch without being caught! The family who has it at midnight on December 23rd wins! (i'll attach the flyer explaining it). So the family just came back from trying to steal it but they got caught. Soooo, I said, "I think a Christmas message from the sister missionaries is a perfect distraction!" So we went to the house and had a lesson with them and showed them the "He is the Gift" video while the other family stole the Santa! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! haha It was an awesome opportunity to #sharethegift. Even if it was a little sneaky;)
Later that night we went to dinner where they were feeding us tacos. We were sitting there eating when all of a sudden the 7 year old girl sitting next to me starts stroking her tortilla and says "Dad, this tortilla feels like your back!" We were DYING laughing! hahaha She kept going on and on about how "his back is so soft!". The dad the whole time was like "OKAY! that's enough!" It was hilarious. Then even LATER that night we went to a Christmas party where a whole bunch of kids with Down Syndrome put on a show for us! IT WAS SO CUTE! They lip-synced and danced to probably 10 Christmas songs. It was great! It was a fun day for me!
Our guys we taught at the Valley Camp (AA camp) finished the program there so they left us. :( BUT, We are teaching 3 new fellas there! They are AWESOME!!! The people there are all so great and sincere! All 3 came to church this past week and LOVED it! I can't wait to teach them! Last Tuesday night I went to a lesson with a Sister who is having some hard times. She got really emotional and started talking about her troubles with her daughter and their relationship. We talked about when people we love don't do what's right or don't listen to our guidance and how it makes us sad. But that's how Heavenly Father sees all of us! He has given us everything we need to be happy in this life and in the next. But we don't always do it. And it makes Him just as sad. But I shared with her my testimony of the importance of showing love to people despite their imperfections. When I said this to her I got a HUGE confirmation in my heart that what I had just said was true. I can't explain the feeling very well, but it's like my heart was filled with too much happiness and joy to fit inside of me. But I know it was the Holy Ghost telling me that it was true and right. I can't stress the importance of loving people. I know that Heavenly Father loves and knows us individually. As we show our love to others, we're allowing them to feel God and Jesus Christ's love for them as well. The Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses EVERY aspect of our life. As we focus on Him daily, we will see miracles happen in our life, our home, and our family. A good example is Christmas. The reason people love Christmas so much is because they're focusing on Jesus Christ! Even if they don't realize they are. People's hearts are warmed, they serve and give, they sing songs praising Christ, they go to church. And that's why people are so happy at Christmas! Because they are focusing on The Savior! Christmas time gives us a little glimpse of what the world would be like if we all were striving to be more Christlike. I love Christmas so much! I've had so many moments this season of feeling Christ's love for all of us! Remember to #sharethegift of His love every chance you get!
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